Bible vs hinduism holy book

Tuesday, february 21, 2017 if you are looking for a single hinduism holy book like the quran or the bible you will be disappointed. These texts are described as heard and considered to be divinely revealed, as opposed to later remembered writings which are considered to be of human origin. The purpose of this study is to compare the main doctrines of hinduism to the teachings of the bible. Here some powerful quotes from the gita that will give you a different perspective on life, and maybe even change the way you look at hinduism. While pantheists believe that everything is divine, and therefore, nonphysical, atheists believe that everything is. Comparing hinduism and christianity kids of courage. The bible is not just one book, but an entire library, with stories, songs, poetry, letters and history, as well as literature that might. Guided by the founder, satguru sivaya subramuniyaswami, the magazines editors, who are initiated monks of the kauais hindu monastery, collaborated with holy men and women and experts around the world in creating graphically rich guides to virtually. Buddhism, much like hinduism, has many, many books but not a central text. Every hindu family is supposed to have a family god or a personal deity to. The hindu bible is called shruti, and contains four subchapters called vedas. Sep 14, 2015 jesus in hindu scriptures of hindu holy book.

Among the vast body of indian sacred texts there are stories, prayers and teachings analogous to parts of the bible. Ignorance regarding this oneness, hindus say, gives rise to our bad actions, which results in bad karma, which in turn traps us in a supposed cycle of. Hinduism is the only religion in fact culture which is not book based religion, books come into existence by 5000 years ago through meditation vedas etc. Christianity is the religion based on the teachings of the historical person jesus christ and his followers. These are the most ancient religious texts which define truth for hindus. Of all the ancient writings, most scholars agree that the old testament of the bible is the oldest of religious books. Some of the other holy works and books of hinduism.

Christians have the holy bible, muslims have the quran, and jewish people have the torah. Parallel teachings in hinduism and christianity university libraries. You have to do good, but scripture says no one is good. Feller learn with flashcards, games, and more for free. Christianity vs hinduism comparison jesus truth deliverance. Some of the other holy works and books of hinduism are stories and epic poems. God is secondary to them, in the gita, god guides him arjuna to enlightenment and. Of the major indian religions, only sikhism has a holy book. See more ideas about buddhism, hinduism and world religions. The vedas contain prayers, hymns and mantras to guide practitioners. While we have the main vedas, upanishads, the mahabharata in several translations we also present newer commentaries, anthologies, and entirely new branches of hinduism. Difference between christianity and hinduism difference. Aug 10, 2019 in hinduism, the vedas, the upanishads, the mahabharata, the ramayana, and the bhagavad gita are considered holy books. Around 1750 bc aryan invaders from central asia settled in north west india and introduced their own religious.

Like the taoist tao te ching, the buddhist dhammapada, the sikh adi granth, the jewish torah, the christian bible and the muslim koranthe veda is the hindu holy book. Jul 31, 2017 here at the hinduism section of, we aim at presenting the original works that lay the foundations of hinduism. Does hinduism have any official books like the bible. Its a little hilarious to see the answers here about this question almost every person is trying to prove their scriptures are the best just like any other religious question. These texts are glorious tales of the hindu trinity brahma, vishnu and maheshwar shiva. The majority of the vedas are considered the shruti, which is translated to that which is hard. The primary translation of the bible used for this study is the revised. So hindu writings generally make no claim to be the very words of a god, but bible writings claim that the whole bible speaks the very word of god. Hinduism has no bible equivalent or several bible equivalent at the same time.

The vedas are religious texts that are the oldest written works in hinduism, emerging approximately 2,500 years ago. Bible and the muslim koranthe veda is the hindu holy book. Hindus value many sacred writings as opposed to one holy book. The four books of the vedasrig, yajur, sama and atharvainclude over 100,000 verses. They differ from literary texts by being a compilation or discussion of beliefs, mythologies, ritual practices, commandments or laws, ethical conduct, spiritual aspirations and by creating or fostering a religious community. Faravahar symbol in a fire temple in yazd, the faravahar or frawahr is one of the symbols of zoroastrianism, credits. For many hindus, religion is a matter of practice rather than of beliefs. Zoroastrian texts depict one of the worlds oldest monotheistic religions practiced in iran around 600bc650ce. Jan 26, 2011 here at the hinduism section of, we aim at presenting the original works that lay the foundations of hinduism. According to the bible, there is one god who has revealed himself in the person of jesus christ. Hinduism is the only religion in fact culture which is not bookbased religion, books come into existence by 5000 years ago through meditation vedas etc.

The vedas and these other works are further divided into two sections. We need no other source of religious authority or guidance to determine our beliefs or practices. Christianity compared to hinduism essay 1566 words. The relative authority of religious texts develops over time and is derived from the ratification. They got their present form between 1200200 bce and were introduced to. Both pantheists and atheists can be classified as monists, because they both believe in one foundational substance to reality. Hinduism is such an ancient religion that it had many types of beliefs and religious practices. The shruti refers to the body of most authoritative, ancient religious texts, believed to be eternal knowledge. A few texts are shared resources across these traditions and broadly considered as hindu scriptures.

It was first written at bc through 500 bc and the words were given by god to its writers. This message came, not from within man, but from outside man by the guidance of the holy spirit. Religious texts of india introduction to hindu scriptures culture. These texts were a combination of stories which predated king david, five books of pentateuch genesisdeuteronomy which are attributed to moses, and stories of the prophets. The holy books of world religions sacred texts in world. Other holy scriptures in hinduism are called the upanisads, the smrutis, the puranas, the ramayana and the mahabharata. Hinduism a christian examines and responds to hinduism. Arranged in ten books, or mandalas, the rig veda contains 10,028 verses. God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and.

May 12, 2011 because hinduism is an amalgam of popular religious traditions developed over thousands of years, the term official as opposed to unofficial can only be applied loosely. The relative authority of religious texts develops over time. Get this special guide with 10 biblical and practical tips for christians in the. The most holy of the hindu books is written in sanskrit and is referred to as the vedas. Hinduism teaches that humanitys main problem is the mistaken belief that we are individuals and not one with the ultimate divine reality, brahman. Sruti pronounced shroothee are the holy books within hinduism that are considered to be divinely inspired, and thus infallible and authoritative.

There are a number of books and different groups of hindus place varying importance to different ones. The word sruti comes from a sanskrit root meaning to hear, as it was believed that ancient seers heard or perceived these texts by direct revelation from a higher power. Hindus believe in the divinity of their holy books, the vedas, which are. The buddha, dharma and sangha are said to be holy and worthy of reverence. I think you are confusing something that is holy from something that is dogma. Christianity was founded by jesus christ and the bible is the holy book which contains infallible word of god that binds all christians. Since 1979 the international magazine hinduism today has been producing a treasury of educational features on all aspects of sanatana dharma. Koran or alquran holy book of islam was written in 650 ad. Hinduism can be traced back to around 1500 bc in what is now india. There are several similarities as well as differences found between these the bible text and the bhagavad text. Both the bible and the book of mormon declare themselves to be ancient, historical, and reliable rules of faiththe very word of god. The holy books of the hebrews, which took about 1,000 years to write, were eventually incorporated. The four noble truths are said to be a holy teaching.

Christianity broadly consists of individuals who believe in the deity jesus christ. The sacred texts of hinduism are the vedas which express a wide range of religious. Introduction hinduism stands for the faith and the way of life most of the people who live in india. A group of texts known as the vedas, containing hymns and sacrificial formulas, originated in north indian oral traditions and were written down from roughly 1500500 bce. The upanishads are also called as vedantas or the end of the vedas. But scholars have refuted the findings in the book. Holy spirit is not the same as shakti or kundalini beliefnet. The texts that began what eventually became the hebrew bible date back to the 10th or 11 century b. The bible vs the bhagavad the bible vs the bhagavad are the sacred books of christians and hindus respectively. A book called the unknown life of christ published in the 19 th century indicates that jesus had spent his life in the himalayas where he might have come in contact with buddhists and hindu saints. Comparing hinduism with christianity evidence unseen. They got their present form between 1200200 bce and were introduced to india by the aryans.

That warning should give all christians concern for those who are being mislead by any publications which have done just that. If anyone is to be taken captive, to captivity he goes. But the most important holy books of hinduism are the vedas. All scripture is given by inspiration of god 2 timothy 3. The primary sacred texts, known as the vedas, were composed around 1500 b. An ancient indian book dense with wisdom, the bhagavad gita is the most important and beloved spiritual text to billions of hindus. Christianity vs hinduism difference and comparison diffen. The bhagavad gita, or song of the lord is part of the sixth book of the. Hindus believe that the vedas texts were received by scholars direct from.

Its followers, called christians, often believe christ is the son of the holy trinity and walked the earth as the incarnate form of god the father. True to its nature, there is not just one scripture that is universally accepted. Information on hinduism for kids primary homework help. The book of mormon the book of mormon claims to be a volume of holy scripture comparable to the bible. In hinduism, the vedas, the upanishads, the mahabharata, the ramayana, and the bhagavad gita are considered holy books. Because god loves humans, he has revealed jesus as the savior for all people 1 tim. The puranas are holy books of hinduism that date back to gupta empire in ancient india. The bhagavad gita is often called as the bible of hindus. Which holy book is the oldest, the bible, the gita, or the. Known as the vedas, the holy writings of india are central to contemporary religion, though their authority is in no way analogous to that of the bible or the quran in. Download the bible, the holy quran, the mahabharata, and thousands of free pdf ebooks on buddhism, meditation, etc.

Brahman takes on many forms that some hindus worship as gods or goddesses in. Hinduism holy book important books and writings of hinduism. Hinduism does not possess a single holy book like bible in christianity and quran in islamic dharma. But according to tradition, hinduism was started by the saptarishi or seven sages. The scriptures of the vedas are meant to guide hindu believers in their daily lives. They differ from literary texts by being a compilation or discussion of beliefs, mythologies, ritual practices, commandments or laws, ethical conduct, spiritual aspirations, and for creating or fostering a religious community. Similarities between the bhagavad gita and the bible.

Sin separates us from god and we all deserve hell for sinning before a holy god. However, the puranas are supposed to be complied by muni vyasa. Hindu texts are manuscripts and historical literature related to any of the diverse traditions within hinduism. The bible as library introduction spine of a holy bible. She whispers, in the religion section, under holy bible and holy quran.

The bhagavad gita is considered the most popular and sacred book. Hindu religious texts are some of the worlds oldest sacred writings. In christianity they use the holy bible while the hindus use a number. And all who dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the lamb who was slain. In hinduism, there is no concept of personal sin against god. Quite often bhagavad gita is spoken as the bible of the hindus. These claims have historically been taken on faith. Jan 14, 2020 and if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, god will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city which are described in this book.

Hindus main aim is enlightenment, liberation, freedom from birth and death. Years ago hinduism had few adherents in western countries, but many would be surprised how much influence it has in western cultures today. Jul 12, 2011 the bible as library introduction spine of a holy bible. Apr 03, 20 the puranas are holy books of hinduism that date back to gupta empire in ancient india. To this day, massive differences remain between protestants hereafter referred to as christians and catholics. An investigation of hindu scripture apologetics press. Religious texts are texts related to a religious tradition. Hinduism january 30, 2019 origindevelopment of hinduism 1. Monism is part and parcel with pantheism, literally meaning one substance. Because hinduism is an amalgam of popular religious traditions developed over thousands of years, the term official as opposed to unofficial can only be applied loosely. In the fashionable search for sameness in all religions, holy spirit in christianity is often equated with shakti or kundalini in hinduism. Bhagavad gita the holy book of hindus 2059 words bartleby. Unlike other religions, hinduism is not based on one book.

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